FamilyLobby.com shuttered it’s servers this week. Since our previous post we have had hundreds of signups that we attribute to FamilyLobby refugees looking for a new home for the family website. If you have the zip file that you could purchase from FamilyLobby then we can help you transfer that data into a Familycrossings.com family web site. Please call us for personal service @ 877-765-2655.
Familycrossings.com does a lot more than FamilyLobby ever did. It may take a few visits to get the family digging into your content, so we’ve included a couple of audience building tools like Question of the Week, Birthday Alerts and Cards, Family Polls and eBox.
Our core features include
What’s Included
Share family photos
Upload, View and Store your memories with ease
Our simple interface allows you to post and view your photos easily without special tools or software. Categories and meta tags allow you to quickly sort and search photos based on user, location, date and more.
Get Family News
Don’t miss the family’s coming and goings
Post family newsletters, stories, announcements and more. Now you can quickly and easily post and view all the family news that is fit to print!
Share recipes and remedies
Keep your favorite family dishes and cures here
Mom’s apple pie, Thanksgiving stuffing, nightmare cures; these are the things that make life’s events special. Now you can be sure you’ll always have them.
Family Calendar
Post birthdays, anniversaries, schedules and more
Soccer games, work, music lessons, class schedules; Family life is hectic. Make sure your family’s paths cross every chance they get with our easy to use, shared family calendar.
Wish Lists
Never buy the wrong gift again!
Is dad tired of getting ties every Father’s day? Did mom get dishes when she really wanted jewelry? Not anymore! Now each family member can post their wish list for every birthday and holiday to make shopping easy!
Store Family Addresses
Easily save and find phone numbers, email and home addresses
Does your rolodex look like a scrap book? Are family addresses scattered in multiple locations? With our simple system, the entire family can share one address book. Now you can email, make calls or mail letters with ease!
Hold Live Family Chats
Secure family style chats for the entire family
Have an old-fashioned gab session! Our chat system allows your entire family to talk to each other, at once, day or night without the fear of predators or scary phone bills.
Preserve Family History
Keep your family stories alive for generations to come
Keep your family’s stories, photos, news and more alive and safe for future generations. Offsite storage of back-ups means your family history is safe theft and natural disaster. Even your family secrets!
Visualize your family data with maps, time lines and tag clouds
It was recently discovered (July 5,2017) that Familylobby.com has decided to close its subscription service. While we spent some time looking at our competitors’ viability we did not expect them to enter End-of-Life stage.
Familycrossings.com has been in business for over 10 years and wants ALL families that use Familylobby to know that we will help you transition. Familycrossings.com new FTP function makes uploading the FamilyLobby photos fast and efficient since when the zip file is unpacked all the photos are rendered into new galleries. As an alternative to starting over creating a family member directory you can create a .csv of first name, last name, email address and send everyone in the family new invitations to Familycrossings. Using these two tools will save hours while you are creating your alternative to Familylobby.com.
We will not charge you to help you move the files to your new home. There is no waiting period we have everything ready today! We will not charge you for each family member and you upgrade your storage as you require.
You can signup right here to start sharing your family news, family photos, family stories, family videos, family contact information and much more.
If you need to contact us please email us or call us for information.
An often requested user interface improvement for Familycrossings.com has just been added. The feature allows administrators to select a photo to use as a background behind family content. Additionally the feature allows you to control the transparency of the foreground.
Start by clicking ADMIN
 Complete this administration area to customize your family website portal. Select “content opacity to let the background show through under the content.
 Select your content transparency
 An example of what your family site can look at with a background image.
The background can be any jpg, png file. Here is the image we used.
 You can use this image for your background.
Enjoy the update.
Familycrossings.com new FTP function makes uploading the MyFamily photos fast and efficient since when the zip file is unpacked all the MYFamily photos are rendered into new galleries. As an alternative to starting over creating a family member directory you can create a .csv of first name, last name, email address and send everyone in the family new invitations to Familycrossings. Using these two tools will save hours while you are creating your alternative to MyFamily.com
On June 25, 2014 Familycrossings received the email below from Ancestry.com regarding our requests that they step up and provide additional support for the subscribers of MyFamily. Our development team has worked quickly to provide you with a way of importing your members and adding your photos. Both tools work perfectly however we will not be able to provide any further tools to make for a better transition because of Ancestry.com’s response.
Click the image below to read the actual email.

Familycrossings.com will continue to assist Myfamily.com subscribers in transitioning to our family web site product.
MyFamily.com members who already have zip archives containing photos can begin uploading them via FTP. The process will be at least 6 times faster than http based uploads. We have also made it easier rotate and add titles, descriptions and tags to your family photos as you review each new gallery.
Save time and read the instructions before you start. Check this space for webinar times for the Week June 23 to June 29, 2014.
BTW As of 6/22/2014 the status of MyFamily.com is not available. (Day 5). We will let you know by tweet @familycrossings and this blog when we have more info about MyFamily.com.
MyFamily is providing web site subscribers with a zipped archive that contains photos organized in folders. There are no comments, titles, or descriptions. Starting June 20, 2014 subscribers who enter the “myfamily” promo code will get access to a special tool to transfer those files. Subscribers will need to use FTP to upload the MyFamily zipped archives. These files from MyFamily can be as big a 1.5 GB each. Once uploaded to your family site the administrator can click a link to start unpacking your archive. We suggest that you return the next day to sort through all the Galleries. Editing Galleries and Photos navigation are located on the left menu.
If you used the “myfamily” promo code when you signed up you will automatically get an email when the transfer file tool is ready for you to start using on your family website.
Familycrossings.com has attempted to speak with informed individuals at Ancestry about the subscriber problems. No phone calls have been returned. An email replied from Eric included the following:
“We apologize for any confusion.
Currently we the exporting tool is only able to export the site photos. We have taken feedback about expanding our export options. If we are able to expand the export tool we will send out an update email.”
The exported archives that we have seen from subscriber do indeed include photos and folders, unfortunately there are only a few photos and folders in an archive. However these subscribers believe that there are 1000s of photos and are very disappointed with the export function.
I believe that the script that MyFamily / Ancestry is using is broken. They may not know it, but we can’t tell them if they don’t call back.
On the positive side of the transition we have installed a script in our Administration area that will import a text file to add multiple users at once. The HELP files inside your Familycrossings website covers the details of “how to” to do this. It is very simple.
The web development team is also working on the FTP function that will allow Administrators to auto recreate folders and photo inside our Gallery system. We hope to have it finished by the end of this weekend. Unfortunately you will still need to add photo titles, description, keywords, and location info manually.
We will be scheduling webinars for MyFamily administrators next week to help with learning the Familycrossings functionality.
Yes it is true Myfamily.com has ended taking new subscription to its service and will close its doors in September of 2014. Familycrossings has requested samples of “export” sample files. This will allow us help you migrate from Myfamily.com to our family website service.
If you are one of the thousands of families that are loosing their website because Myfamily.com is shuttering the service you can relax. Familycrossings.com will be able to take your photos and files and help you transport them into a better, more flexible family site. Sign up here: https://www.familycrossings.com/familycenter/signup/?b=1. Enter the PROMO CODE: MYFAMILY and then select the FREE VERSION OF FAMILYCROSSINGS.COM
In the next few days we will be providing subscribers who have entered the promo code with special information that will make the uploading of files and transition to a reliable dedicated service easier.