A Balancing Act

Protecting Your Dog’s Immune System

(Family Features) – Allie stopped eating when she was 16. Her owner, Dr. Elizabette Cohen says she went crazy trying to find a healthy diet for her beloved pet.

“Her problem is that she has a very sensitive digestive system and would suffer from upsets pretty often,” said Cohen, […]

Ensure a Fun and Safe Howl-O-Ween for Your Pet

(Family Features) Halloween isn’t just for kids. Pets are joining the festivities too by dressing up in fabulous costumes. But in addition to picking out a costume, pet parents should keep their pet’s safety in mind as well. Here are some safety tips and costume ideas to help ensure you and your pet have […]

Is Pet Adoption For You?

How much will owning a pet cost? How much time do I really need to devote to a pet? These are questions potential pet owners should ask prior to adopting. However, not everyone takes the time to assess the responsibilities and requirements associated with pet ownership, increasing the likelihood a pet will […]